20 mph londonPlans to reduce speed limits to 20mph in south London have been announced to cut the number of deaths on the capital’s roads.

The new 20 mph speed limit will be imposed on all Transport for London roads in central London, including parts of south London, which will bring them in line with roads controlled by London councils. The limit will be enforced through the use of fixed and mobile speed cameras. Those caught exceeding the limit will be fined £100 and given three points on their licence.

With these changes, most of the roads in central London will be 20mph zones. The next phase will reduce the speed limit for 90 miles of roads outside London by 10mph.

The new 20mph limit is due to be implemented by May 2020.

The roads in south London that will be affected by the new 20 mph speed limit are:


  • Albert Embankment
  • Lambeth Palace Road
  • Lambeth Bridge


  • Goodman’s Yard
  • Borough High Street
  • Great Dover Street
  • Blackfriars Road
  • Druid Street (between Tower Bridge Road and Crucifix Lane)
  • Crucifix Lane
  • Bermondsey Street (between Crucifix Lane and Tooley Street)
  • Queen Elizabeth Street (between Tooley Street and Tower Bridge Road)

Transport for London

The plans were drawn up by Transport for London (TfL), who say they are backed by the results of a public consultation conducted earlier in 2019. The consultation, which received 2,000 responses, found that half the public said the new policy would have a positive impact on walking, 59% thought it would boost cycling, and 40% said it would have a positive impact on public transport.

TfL said that cutting speed limits from 30mph to 20mph would significantly reduce the likelihood of death and serious injury in the event of an accident. If a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle at 20mph, they are five times less likely to be killed than if they are hit at 30 mph.

Penny Rees, Head of Network Sponsorship at TfL, added: “We know that lower speeds save lives, it’s that simple.

“As more and more people choose to walk and cycle around London we must reduce the risk of them being killed or seriously injured. It’s clear people agree that making our roads safer will encourage Londoners to travel in more active and sustainable ways.”

Please remember that when you’re hiring a van you are responsible for obeying all traffic laws and speed limits and that any penalties will be passed on to you. So make sure you’re familiar with the route you’re taking before you start your journey.

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